Andrew Plotkin

Open all errors
"The ability to remove doors from the world and put them back."
"Keeping track of what the player character knows and sees."
"Allows commands of the form GET X, Y, AND Z to be parsed."
Unified Glulx Input by Andrew PlotkinVersion 3/160213(for Glulx only)
Unified Glulx Input is an attempt to tidy up all the messy I6 APIs that you need to customize your game's input system.
ni In Chapter - Our Core Routines, Section - AwaitInput in the extension Unified
Glulx Input by Andrew Plotkin:

You wrote 'Include (- ! AwaitInput: block and await an [...] win, 0);
gg_quotewin = 0; } ]; -) instead of "Keyboard Input" in "Glulx.i6t"' unified glulx input by andrew
plotkin: but this syntax was withdrawn
in April 2022, in favour of a more finely controlled inclusion command. See
the manual, but you can probably get what you want using 'replacing
"SomeFunctionName".' rather than 'instead of ...'.
In Section - ParserInput in the extension Unified Glulx Input by Andrew

You wrote 'Include (- ! ParserInput: block and await ac [...] UNDO;
we're done. return; } ]; -) instead of "Reading the Command" in
"Parser.i6t"' unified
glulx input by andrew plotkin: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
In Chapter - High-Level Input Routines, Section - Yes-No Questions in the
extension Unified Glulx Input by Andrew Plotkin:

You wrote 'Include (- ! YesOrNo routines. These block a [...]
YES_OR_NO_QUESTION_INTERNAL_R; ]; -) instead of "Yes/No Questions" in
"Parser.i6t"' unified
glulx input by andrew plotkin: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
In Section - The Final Question in the extension Unified Glulx Input by Andrew

You wrote 'Include (- ! Unlike in ParserInput, the inpu [...]
WordCount(); wn = 1; rfalse; ]; -) instead of "Read The Final Answer Rule"
in "OrderOfPlay.i6t"' unified glulx input by andrew
plotkin: again, this syntax was
withdrawn in April 2022.
In Chapter - Parser Code Replacements, Section - Parser__parse in the
extension Unified Glulx Input by Andrew Plotkin:

You wrote 'Include (- parser_results_set = false; [...] else
usual_grammar_after = 0; -) instead of "Parser Letter A" in "Parser.i6t"' unified glulx input by andrew
plotkin: again, this syntax was
withdrawn in April 2022.
In Section - NounDomain in the extension Unified Glulx Input by Andrew

You wrote 'Include (- [ NounDomain domain1 domain2 cont [...] n [
PARSER_CLARIF_INTERNAL_R; ]; -) instead of "Noun Domain" in "Parser.i6t"' unified glulx input by andrew
plotkin: again, this syntax was
withdrawn in April 2022.
In Section - Test Input in the extension Unified Glulx Input by Andrew

You wrote 'Include (- #Iftrue ({-value:NUMBER_CREATED(t [...] xist for
this game."; ]; #ENDIF; -) instead of "Test Command" in "Tests.i6t"' unified glulx input by andrew
plotkin: again, this syntax was
withdrawn in April 2022.
In Section - Miscellaneous in the extension Unified Glulx Input by Andrew

You wrote 'Include (- ! KeyboardPrimitive no longer exists. -) instead
of "Keyboard Primitive" in "Parser.i6t"' unified glulx input by andrew
plotkin: again, this syntax was
withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- ! PrintPrompt no longer exists. -) instead of
"Prompt" in "Printing.i6t"' unified glulx input by andrew
plotkin: again, this syntax was
withdrawn in April 2022.